Artworks by Date
Here you will find your favourite Sara Moon artworks listed by the year they were released.
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No new artworks released.
1980 “Sara Moon” Releases by Red Baron Publishing
(Artworks within this grey background were not created by Bijan)
This was the year that Bijan parted company with Red Baron Publishing and nothing by his hand was release for two years.
BUT … Red Baron Publishing, believing they owned the rights to the pseudonym/’brand’, ‘Sara Moon’ contracted another artist to paint and sign artworks as ‘Sara Moon’.
It is the writer’s belief that the two releases, ‘Joy’ and ‘Kate’ were created referencing artworks submitted for consideration by Bijan during the year before he ended his relationship with Red Baron.
‘Joy’ can certainly be traced back to an original reference photograph taken by Bijan, but would not be released as ‘Hippy Girl’ until 1981.
(Images unclickable)
c.1981 “Sara Moon” Releases by Red Baron Publishing
(Artworks within this grey background were not created by Bijan)
During 1981, and 1982 Red Baron Publishing continued to produce and distribute artworks signed ‘Sara Moon’ that were not created by Bijan and a court case to determine ownership of the Sara Moon name began.
(Images unclickable)
c.1982 “Sara Moon” Releases by Red Baron Publishing
(Artworks within this grey background were not created by Bijan)
About this time, Bijan won his claim to ownership of the Sara Moon name and so these would be the final ‘Sara Moon’ releases not created by Bijan.
(Images unclickable)
No new artworks released.
The late 80s and early 1990s saw the beginning of an end to Bijan’s presence in the world of commercial art. The following artworks were offered little by way of promotion and as such, originals are quite rare.
It is the writer’s opinion that this is the moment that Bijan’s publisher, now Scandecor, began to lose their way. I see evidence of this during 1988 as Bijan’s work began to be treated haphazardly. The lazily titling of many submissions such as, ‘Sara Moon l’, Sara Moon ll, Sara Blue, and (the highly adventurous!) ‘Sara’s Rose’. This led to Bijan submitting his final offerings ready-titled as he would wish them to be – but in German – which they didn’t trouble to translate to English for their wider audience!